The wisest and most successful people throughout history including Plato, Jesus, William Blake, Goethe, and in modern times, Jose Silva, founder of the Silva Method, and Ernest Holmes, founder of Science of Mind, understood that we are all magnets, attracting to us what we believe - right or wrong!
The quality of the life you are now living is as easy to change and as easy to manipulate as soft plastic. The difference is that you mold it with your mind, not with your hands.
'The Rising Dough of Spirit and You, The Human Magnet' explains how to use the Law of Attraction, and be happier - if that's what you want...
To meet today’s personal and world challenges it is vital that we understand how our very thoughts create the building blocks for the quality of life on this planet. This book is not about religion as such, but as Jesus said: “Whatever I do, you can do, and more...” This book provides some guidelines.‘The Second Coming’ is a fact and long overdue, but get used to the idea - you are it!
It’s D.I.Y time folks!

"This is a great gift for someone you love, give the gift of SILVA LEARNING. ENJOY IT"
Diana & Richard Oulahan, Silva Instructors. Washington D.C.
Manifesting with Silva Beyond Imagination is based on June's experiences using the Silva Techniques. The book, full of success stories, is written with great fluency and imagination on how the author has been able to apply Silva Techniques to different situations.
Its a great little book if you want to learn the art and the scope of manifesting!