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From money to instant healing, from heightened intuition to a creativity that had been beyond imagination, enjoy the magic of manifesting the Silva way!
"You are a walking testimonial to the hope of the world at large and what you are doing is all a great blessing to us all and wonderful for humanity; what better than to have someone who has lived these challenges in life and helped herself and others too. You are an amazing creator who is yet to help humanity in so many more ways with your writing. But for now, remember to stay blessed and beautiful, and that way everyone around you can feel the glory of your blessings too. Better and better."
Diana Silva. Director Head of Silva Method International. U.S.A.

"Manifesting with Silva Beyond Imagination is based on June's experiences using the Silva Techniques. The book, full of success stories, is written with great fluency and imagination on how the author has been able to apply Silva Techniques to different situations. Its a great little book if you want to know more about the Silva Method and its a great book if you are already a Silva graduate. This is a great gift for someone you love, give the gift of LEARNING. ENJOY IT. I did."
Diana Oulahan, Director of Silva International (Washington D.C)

"I hope so much that Manifesting reaches more people......well everyone really. If there was only one word to describe your book it is inspirational. People always want to know "how did it help you, so that I will know how it can help me!"
Karin Barnes, Silva Instructor, U.K.

"It has been a pleasure to contribute to the translation of June Kidd’s book into Spanish. Her narrative style, associating situations of daily life, together with the application of the Silva Techniques, gives the reader an instrument for the solution of daily problems. It allows us to understand the enormous capacities of the human mind. Her contagious motivation is an invitation for those of us who have taken the Silva Method to continue practicing the techniques, not only for our benefit, but to make of this world a better place to live. For those who still have not taken the Silva programs, the book opens a door to a world of infinite possibilities for their success."

Diana & Richard Oulahan. Washington. D.C.
"Your Manifesting book looks very good. I just went through very quickly to have a first taste of it and I loved it. Good luck with it. In Greece we wish the book to have an excellent voyage. Better and better, Marianna."

Marianna Clement, Silva Method Director. Greece
"I do so believe in your book, June. I feel motivated every time I read it (and I have read it about 5 times now), in my classes I always talk about it because it is a MUST for Silva Grads to be able to understand the use of the techniques applied to different situations. Keep moving forward, Diana."

Diana Oulahan, Silva Director, Washington D.C.
"Congratulation June. Manifesting with Silva is an amazing and soulful book. I enjoyed reading it. The book is full of success stories written with great fluency and very effective on how to apply Silva Techniques to different situations. There are the answers to what graduates ask us most. I am positive that your book will be of great inspiration to our Turkish graduates."
Aysen Edis, Silva International Director (Turkey)

"June's book, Manifesting with Silva, is an excellent way to discover the capacities of the human mind and how to use them constructively."
Diana & Richard Oulahan, Silva Method Directors (Washington D.C)

"Manifesting with Silva" is a really lovely read, thank you so much for sharing! It reminded me of things I used to do when I first graduated, but then forgot! Reading the book, I was inspired to practice them again. For instance, I was on the bus reading your book, but I had some nasty pain in my lower back. Instead of stopping me from going to the gym, I talked to the pain as you did, telling it that it had no chance to ruin my training, and of course it got better. It hasn't hurt since! This is all very powerful stuff and we constantly need to be reminded and so reinforce each other. It helps us also to climb higher on the gravitational ladder, so to speak. Human nature always needs time to adjust to the new but if it gets reinforced, its faster! Peace and blessings."

Viktória G Duda, author of Anima Mund, The Metaphysical Podcast
"Thank you again for the book, it is so amazing. I really enjoyed reading it. I will share it with my English speaking contacts. I am now looking forward to reading your other books. Best Regards."
Marianne Clement, Silva Training Instructor (Italy)

"Written just as though she's chatting to a friend. An easy read with lots of examples."

"Great book about the author's experiences with the Silva Method."
Nelson Caamanio

"This was a nice book, with plenty of personal experiences, that that motivated me to go back through my Silva training programs, and use what I have learned!"

L. Bembenek

"Very inspiring. Made me want to go and revisit my training of the Silva Method."
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