Second letter from: June Kidd, Silva Ambassador, U.K. to the Silva Method family world!
Subject: Second Invitation to Reflect.
To recap from my first letter: Many of you will know my story that I (a dyslexic) by using the Silva ‘Mirror of the Mind’ technique, learned to spell virtually overnight and, following that and working at Alpha/Theta levels, became the author of “Unshriven” at the age of 40+! But it didn’t end there!

Can you imagine how inspired I felt when, having completed “Unshriven” (a work I assumed of pure fiction, written when living in the Middle East) I was mentally guided to a hamlet deep in England’s ‘Shakespeare country’ to locate previously unknown church and manorial records, that proved my 17th century story to be historical fact!
Using my Silva training and working at Alpha/Theta levels, I had followed my very own De Vinci code! How amazing was that!
Bearing in mind that ‘what we focus on we get more of,’ I am no longer surprised by the help that comes my way, or when business connections link to accommodate my changing needs.
Friends, with you in mind, I wrote all three of my books to share my amazement and joy when I achieved things that were once beyond my imagination as described in “Manifesting with Silva.”
I wrote these books because I want you, members of our Silva family, to be INSPIRED and have confidence in your ability to bring about your own longed-for changes but also to help others.
Personally, I will be eternally grateful to the two friends who introduced me to the Silva Method - they could have given me no greater gift.
You too could be ‘the friend’ who opens the door of learning in 2018!
“When the student is ready the teacher will appear.”
Many of you will have friends or relatives who are at this stage; asking questions and toying with the idea of signing up in the New Year for Silva training. However it’s often difficult for even the most enthusiastic of you to convey the power and benefits of the teachings. With the New Year coming up, giving this book, “Manifesting with Silva” will answer those questions.
''The stories are factual – and it is a good holiday read!''
Quote Diana Oulahan. Instructor Washington D.C: What greater gift to give than the gift of learning?”